Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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August 15, 2021
Play BALL! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I told you yesterday was a great day! And today is going to be just as great!! The temperature has dropped significantly, and the humidity is gone. One little trick that doesn't make the heat so unbearable is that since we don't use the AC, we are more acclimatized to the high temperatures. That way, the backdoor is open for the girls to come and go, we don't suffer as we go inside and outside, and we can enjoy our backyard as if it's part of our house, which we do!

Having said that, if the ...

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August 14, 2021
Spy novels are the BEST! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 It's a great day! Why? No idea -- it's just a great day! I had fun puttering yesterday - no immediate deadlines (OK -- so I'm in denial on that one), I do have deadlines, and I'll get to them this coming week. I puttered on homework for my upcoming classes, and well - it feels good to get the homework done way before it's due. Now I need to make up the presentations before I forget everything!

And I'm hooked on a darn audiobook. I look like some music-loving geek as I run around the house with ...

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August 13, 2021
Celebrity Quilts from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There's hope for us all. Did you see Elle's comment the other day? She had FOUR holders filled with magazines and is now down to 1 ½!!!  OH MY GOSH!!!!  That's impressive. First, I'm impressed that she only had 4 holders of magazines! But I will get there one day! The important thing is that I'm not buying at the same rate as I was, which is a good thing. 

There's so much repetition in the magazines. That's OK because, while for those of us who have been around for a while, it ...

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April 29, 2020
It was meant to be from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What's on my reading list at the moment? I'm reading The Missing Millionaire by Katie Daubs. It's a book about a Toronto businessman who owned theatres at the beginning of the 20th century. He sold one of his theatres for $1 million in December 1919 and then disappeared. They never found him or his body. Because there was money involved, the story just never died. Family members fighting over money, shysters trying to get money through the family and well - it just never seemed to end.

It's an interesting read as you get some insight into ...

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